A series of illustrated children's books featuring little life learning’s in diversity and inclusion.
‘Another Seed for Sarah’ - Available Now
Written and Illustrated by R.K. Abbatantuono
'I hope you don't mind but I was wondering why, you were given one more seed than I.' Join Sarah and her friends as they discover the importance of fairness and the power to make change
To purchase this little learning in life for your little one in an Ebook Click Here or if your little one likes to turn the pages on a hardcopy Click Here
‘Believe it Bumble’ - Available Now
Written and Illustrated by R.K. Abbatantuono
Bumble is a bright bee, but she lets her self-doubt get in the way of sharing her idea to save her hive from losing all its honey!
Find out how Bumble discovers how to ignore her inner critic with the help of her hive-mates and save the day!
Click Here to order your copy of the latest little learning.
‘Including Ewe’ - Scheduled August 2026
Written and Illustrated by R.K. Abbatantuono
Ewe the little grey sheep has a vision of grazing in greener pastures, but the flock won’t be convinced to budge. But an unlikely group of unique friends band together, and when differences are seen as strengths anything can happen!
During my career within Diversity and Inclusion I have had the pleasure and the privilege of learning many lessons that have been invaluable to how I see life and how to function at my best within it. I hope that amongst the learnings I am paying forward at least one resonates with or inspires you!
Mel Robbins - Stop Screwing Yourself Over (21.39 mins)
Learning - the chance of you being alive is 1:400,000,000,000, you are unique. The energy you need to translate your individual idea's into action is as the same required to get out of bed in the morning.
Ed Shivers - How to Start a Movement (5.41 mins)
Learning - To make a change you need to have the courage to walk your talk first. You can't do it all alone, and your first supporters will make your movement a possibility, nurture those who got you to where you are.
Amy Cuddy - Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are (21.02)
Learning - Your body language informs others about you, but it also has the ability inform yourself, stand like superwomen and feel the confidence. I tried this just before my latest interview, I got the job - just say'n!
Buzz Feed - What is Privilege (3.59 mins)
Learning - Be aware of your advantages and ensure that you are looking out for those who may not have had those advantages and don't get left behind.
The Lab Decoy - A Portrait Session with a Twist (3.16 mins )
Learning - That one piece of information (fact or fiction) can influence the way you perceive a person, and that sharing that information on will shape the way others also see that person. Our opinions are powerful, we have a responsibilitiy to use our powers ethically.