About BeCreation
Working in the corporate environment there are many life lessons I have learned, that had I experienced earlier in life, or had the heads up, I could have navigated the big wide world with a little more confidence, savvy and ease. As I continued my corporate career over the past 12+ years I have learned that I am not alone, and that many could have benefited from the same life lessons.
Sitting in a boardroom with the Diversity and Inclusion Council of an ASX listed company, the question was posed “how do we influence long term change when the influence needs to be present before our people are hired, before they make the choices that bring them to us, before they leave school, when they are forming their opinions about what work is ‘available’ to them?
I am a mother of two beautiful little ones, they inspire me every day to lighten up, laugh and be the best version of myself to, in turn, inspire them to be the best and most genuine version of themselves. I have watched how they have been inspired to share, be kind, and to believe in a little magic through the written word and a beautiful picture.
So, I hope to share my learnings with all little ones keen to listen, and may be inspire a little confidence, a little courage, a little aspiration to lead, and to make change for a fair future through my little books. At the very least I hope you and your little ones enjoy reading the books and talking about your little creations together!